Let Them Eat Cake

Acrylic Paint, Foam, Plaster, Sponges, Metal, Wood, Digital, Vinyl, Jukebox, Diner Booth, Bell

2024, Vanderbilt University

Betty/Banjo: Mady Johnston
Narrator/Doctor: Saad Khan
Johnny: Sam Sliman
Suzanne/Hand: Chris Conway
Filmed by: Chris Conway and Hannah Walton
Script: Mady Johnston, Ethan McCoy, Chris Conway, and real 1950’s advertisements
Video length: 16:08

There is a psychological phenomenon where if you say something with enough authority and with enough repetition, people will eventually believe you. It’s called the illusory truth effect. This effect has been consistently used in the advertising industry.

I want to urge people to look at the layers underneath a platform (like a cake!). 

Eat Cake with Banjo (Sponsored)


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