POV: You're an Ant in a Soda Can

POV: You're an Ant in a Soda Can

Wood, Hinges, Acrylic Paint, Bike Helmets, Pipe Cleaners, Risograph Prints

2023, Vanderbilt University

Did you know that “Jolene” by Dolly Parton was written by an ant? Of course you did! Because you’re an ant. The urge to crawl is strong and the limitations to do so are little.

Participants were invited to crawl around the soda can while wearing ant helmets for protection.

I know not the dangers of such high levels of sugar.

Ant Facts

(which you know, of course, because you are an ant)

Ants are one of the strongest creatures in relation to size, but they aren’t afraid to cry.

If you hit an ant, it would say “YEEOOOUWCH!”

They’re in the walls.

Many ants apply for grad school, but few get in.

Ants would love Tumblr.

I think one time I stepped on an ant and it haunts me.

Ants actually experience six stages of grief.

One time an ant offered me drugs, but I politely declined.

Ants are not artistically inclined.

Ants commit identity theft for casual entertainment.

My aunt is Lindsey.

Ants are farmers.

Humans are distantly related to ants.

Anything can look like an ant if you go up high enough!

Ants are huge Jets fans. Cringe!

Ants are this big.

I bet my ant could beat up your ant.

Ants do not celebrate Hanukkah (yet).

Ants get really confused if you lengthen or shorten their legs. I would too.

Antz is a Pixar movie.

There is an ant Pokémon, but I hate him.

The scientific name for ants is Formicidae, which means “ant” in Latin.

Ants be crawling.

Ants don’t need braces, but if they did, they wouldn’t like it.

They’ll speak, if you listen.

Ants have been around for a long time. Just not the same ones!

Ants outnumber humans 2.5 million to 1, so there are a lot of fish in the sea!

If you’re allergic to ants, that’s so fucking sad.

Ants think queso is spicy.

Ants are active in the cryptocurrency community.

I like ants.

Ant Man premiered in 1962 in Tales to Astonish #27

Ants don’t have lungs.

If an ant had a knife, that would be scary.

I think you’re pretty.

Ants’ largest organ is their heart because they love unconditionally.

Ants are unsure of who to vote for.

Ants represent an untapped market for real estate agents.

Fire ants turn into normal ants in water.

A big ant probably still isn’t that big.

Ants love BTS! #army

Ants exclusively communicate through their antennae and discord.

The longest ant life recorded was 28.75 years.

Ants have a queen! Girl power!

Ants have not heard the good word.

Oh my god is there an ant? Where?!?

An ant broke my heart in 2011. I don’t want to talk about it


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